Dieter Loots, docente esperto della Scuola Artevelde hogeschool in Belgio, ospitato a Verona e Treviso ha fatto un'esperienza molto coinvolgente.

Il docente belga ci ha raccontato com’è andata la sua esperienza nei nostri centri e di come la sua esperienza sia stata utile anche ai nostri docenti. Hanno infatti partecipato ad un corso di formazione sui principi e sulla teoria dell’apprendimento attivo,  sui metodi di insegnamento che coinvolgono gli studenti anche tramite video e AI e su come riprogettare le attività di classe.
Before the start of the summer vacation in Belgium, I had the opportunity to conduct training for ENAC in Verona and Treviso on the topic of “Engaging Learning Strategies.” Coming from my role as an educational support and development professional in higher education, as well as a secondary school teacher, I had already built up considerable expertise in this area.
Providing professional development and training is part of my job, but I was honored to be given the chance to deliver training in Verona and Treviso. It was a bit of a surprise awkward for me to be labeled as an expert, as it was the first time I had been given that title.
I was very curious about whether I could effectively convey the theme, whether language would be a barrier, and whether the teachers would find it useful. For four days, I worked with two small teams of incredibly dedicated teachers. They were authentic, engaged, and highly motivated. It was a pleasure to work with them, and they actively participated. I must give special credit to the English teachers who provided live translations for their colleagues who were less proficient in English. This ensured that everyone was on the same page. Of course, we took regular breaks for good espresso, as I expected in Italy.
The program included discussions on the principles and theories of active learning and motivation, engaging teaching methods, and interactive educational tools. In the end, it felt like an experience where we could discover new things together and engage in discussions.
Apart from the content of the program, I found it personally enriching to meet new people who were passionate about providing good education and caring for children. Through them, I gained new ideas and was inspired. More than the two beautiful cities, I was charmed by the teachers and their dedication to their profession.
I have made connections that I hope will endure for a long time. This experience was not only professionally rewarding but also personally fulfilling, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with these connections.