from a rookie to an expert


The increasingly multicultural working life, on the one hand, and the international labour market, on the other, require international skills and competences.
VET teachers must therefore develop these skills in order to be able to guide and prepare students. The REX VET project aims to promote continuous professional development opportunities for VET teachers so to increase the quality of VET pathways.
The partnership consists of two Finnish VET centres and others from Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Luovi (Finland) is the coordinator of the project. The main target groups are teachers and VET staff involved in the project and, secondly, the management of the centres.

Project’s Goals

Our objectives are:
  1. to increase the ownership of internationalization activities within the organization and engage more teachers and staff members in such activities. Engaging more teachers in international activities is crucial in order to increase the attention to the European context, develop new curriculum planning process and new curriculum models and help to widen cultural understanding among students.
  2. to develop and recognize the skills and competences that are needed in the global world and internationalization of education from “a rookie to an expert”.
  3. to promote staff development in terms of internationalization skills such as more knowledge about the EU, better understanding of other VET systems, language and managerial skills and updating the skills needed to work in a multi-cultural environment
  4. to promote the link between international activities and the strategy and development of the organization and staff professional development


We will organize four transnational meetings to work on the products and to disseminate the results. 

In addition to on-going evaluation and dissemination, we will organize five multiplier events as dissemination workshops.

The products are:
  1. Mapping the international skills of the staff in partner organizations.
  2. Personal development path model in international skills for staff in VET
  3. Training package to support the skills development
  4. Digital learning badges to document and recognize the learning and skills gained in internationalization
The products will be available for wider use after the project. The model of international path can be adjusted in other VET colleges, too.
On-line training package supports the growth from a rookie to an expert. The open badges can be transferred and used to show the skills and competences


Project’s info

Project Code:  2019-1-FI01-KA202-060897
Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

2 years and six months  (01/09/2019 – 31/03/2022)


Intellectual Outputs

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.