
The project represents for ENAC Ente Nazionale Canossiano the fourth year of planning with the VET card first and then with the Erasmus accreditation and therefore contributes to the achievement of the objectives set out in the internationalization strategy that ENAC wrote, together with its associated bodies, in the 2018 and then updated on the occasion of the new European programming 2021-2027. Through this new mobility project, ENAC and its members intend to promote the study of languages ​​and want to improve the service of outgoing mobility, consequently they intend to train international workers and global citizens. It is equally important to extend, innovate and enhance the collaborations with European and international partners and networks, promoting, at the same time, processes of exchange of good practices in the Canossian VET centers.

Project’s Goals

With this and the other Erasmus + projects, in which ENAC is a partner or leader, we want to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of the context in which the institution operates with the aim of promoting the internationalization of the training offer of Canossian Vocational Centers, to promote the culture of an innovative and international vocational body and to improve ENAC’s standards and organizational performance, with a focus on quality, communication, digitization and sustainability.


The project is aimed at students and staff members who study / work in vocational training centers active in six Italian regions in order to develop their professional and transversal skills. The participation of students with special needs is also foreseen. In order to ensure the principle of equal opportunities, all sectors in which the institution is active will be involved:
  • Agribusiness;
  • Manufacturing and craftsmanship;
  • Culture, information and information technologies;
  • Commercial services;
  • Tourism;
  • Personal services.
• Mobility for short-term learning of VET students
• Mobility for long-term learning of VET students (ErasmusPro)
• Participation in competitions of professional skills
• Job shadowing
• Teaching or training assignments
• Experts invited
• Courses and training
• Host teachers and educators in training

Project’s Info

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Erasmus accreditation in the fields of vocational education and training

Duration:15 months  (01/06/2022– 30/08/2023)

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